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4 Tips for Getting Started with Whole Home Automation


A Smart Home System Doesn’t Have to Be Daunting  

The phrase ‘home automation system’ can sound intimidating. You may imagine a house filled with beeping technology and spying AI speakers. But a smart home system does not have to be a significant upheaval, nor should the technology infringe on your home’s comfort. The best setups are nearly invisible—a tool that enriches your everyday life with more convenience and fun.

As a smart technology firm based in Las Vegas, NV, we’re here to tell you that whole home automation is not as overwhelming as it may seem. With a correctly installed system that merges all of your technology, it should feel like it’s not even there (in the very best way). If you’re brand new to home automation, get started with our four tips below.

Know Your Home is Safe with a Security Monitoring Service


Don’t Let Horror Movies Scare You. With Remote Monitoring, Your Home is Protected  

Home Alone, Panic Room, When A Stranger Calls—the plots of these movies could have gone much differently if the characters installed a security monitoring service in their homes. Although the home invasion scenarios that we see in movies are extreme and unlikely, it’s important to give yourself peace of mind when you’re both home and away. Based in Las Vegas, NV, we provide security monitoring services to households across the city. To see what a system could look like in your home, read on below!

Enjoy Peace of Mind with Wireless Lighting Control


You Don’t Need to Hardwire Your Home for Lighting Control’s Safety Benefits

Smart lighting has been one of the most exciting technology developments in recent years. The ability to customize our lights with scenes and color settings makes our homes comfier and more relaxing. Typically, though, smart lighting is powered over low-voltage wiring. This is a reliable system but requires hardwiring in your walls, which can be a time-consuming project.

So if you’re interested in smart lighting but not undergoing a wired installation, there’s another option for you: wireless lighting control. Not only does wireless smart lighting enhance your home’s aesthetics, but it can also keep your household safe. How? Continue reading to see how your Las Vegas, NV home will be better protected by a wireless lighting system.

What’s the ROI of Commercial Security?


Here’s Why Investing in Security is Worth it for Your Business 

Commercial security can start simple: door alarms, surveillance cameras, intercoms. And it can go as far as including facial recognition and fingerprint readers. At Eagle Sentry, we build security systems for businesses across Las Vegas that involve many moving parts. If you’re a business owner who has yet to invest in commercial security, is one reason that you don’t see an ROI?

Return of investment may seem abstract from a security system, as it can be challenging to track correlating numbers. After all, when a system is working its best, you should hardly notice it’s there. But to increase your bottom line, you have to look at every area of your business that requires protecting. Continue reading to see how you’ll save with an automated commercial security system.