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Why A Professional Home Security System Always Outperforms DIY


Gain Peace of Mind with a Professional Security System 

Smart technology used to be a far-fetched feature in sci-fi films. Nowadays, anyone can pick up a video doorbell at Target and consider themselves secure. But as we’ve previously discussed on security systems, professionally-installed solutions are always safest. Why? A full-functioning system is complex with many moving parts, and we’ll highlight today what makes a professional home security system a better option than DIY.

If you’re looking to safeguard your Las Vegas, NV home, continue reading below to see how professionally-installed security can grant you peace of mind.

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What You Want in a Home Alarm System


Get Smarter Security for Your Las Vegas Property

In one of our first blogs about security and surveillance, we talked about the added intelligence that has come to home security. While the simple sensor and alarm types of systems still exist and are used by many people, smart home technology has added many new capabilities and controls that go far beyond the old solutions.

Internet connectivity, smart cameras, multi-purpose smart sensors, smart locks, and cloud-based services that aggregate security information and monitoring are revolutionizing the ways you can secure your property. As a home security monitoring and alarm system company based in Las Vegas since 1986, Eagle Sentry decades of experience in the home protection and peace of mind business.

We bring up peace of mind because it’s an important point. You want two things from your home security system and the company that provides it: One, that your home is being watched and protected. Two, should the unexpected happen you have the tools and the support to act on and take care of the situation. Eagle Sentry has partnered with the latest technology companies and services to continue to deliver state-of-the-art protection to homeowners in Las Vegas.

In this blog, we’d like to highlight two of the newer smart security systems we work with - Interlogix and Read on to learn more!

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How Intelligent is Your Security System?


Get Smarter Security with a Fully Connected Home

As a smart home technology company that started in security, naturally we think your home's security is a critical topic. Most people have some form of a home security system. Whether it's one installed by a monitoring company or your own do-it-yourself system with some smart cameras, everyone wants a measure of protection and peace of mind.

With the wide availability of a plethora of smart devices for the home, opportunities abound for making your home that much safer. Devices like sensors, cameras, lights, and locks can be made to work together to give you multiple layers of protection. Not only will you know when something is amiss, but you can also have the comfort of knowing everything is as it should be as well.

Not all of these smart devices work well together; some are better than others. An expert home protection company like Eagle Sentry — one that even has locally based monitoring right here in Las Vegas — can set up the right smart security system for you. Let’s take a look at some ways a connected smart home system makes your property more secure.

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4 Tips to Keep Your Garage Secure


A Safer Garage Makes for a Safer Home 

You might not think too much about the security of your garage. While you may not believe you have many things of value in there, they do add up. Do you lock your car in the garage? Your car itself is valuable, and you may keep other things of value in the vehicle as well. What about that fancy mountain bike for riding the Red Rock Canyons? If you start thinking about it, your garage houses many items you’d rather not live without.

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Does Your Security Alarm Company Do This?


Why You Need a Local Monitoring Service

We live in a world of many distractions. How many notifications do you get on your smartphones every day? How many emails do you get reminding you of those notifications? Sometimes we get so overloaded, we start tuning things out — but that opens the door to missing something important.

How many times have you heard a car alarm go off? About 90% of the time it is someone inadvertently locking the car in a way that sets the alarm, but there is still a way to get in the vehicle through an unlocked door, setting the alarm off. Only if that alarm goes off for a long — and annoying — period of time might you investigate what is happening. Most likely, if your house security alarm goes off for any reason, most neighbors won’t pay attention either — unless it continues for a long time. If it happened to be a burglar, they might make off with something in that timeframe.

Of course, alarm monitoring and security companies have been around for a long time. You can have your home professionally monitored by many firms. Eagle Sentry has been in the home security and alarm monitoring business for over 30 years in the Las Vegas area. One of the things we pride ourselves on is serving the local market. We are here in Las Vegas, and understand what happens here. As an integrator that also works with the latest in smart home technology, we also know how to weave security with smart technology to offer a complete security solution.

If you are looking for more than the standard security monitoring for your property, keep reading to see how we are different.

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5 Tips to Keep Your Home Safe While on Vacation


Smart Ideas and Smart Surveillance Cameras Help Protect Your Property

In today’s hyper-connected world, it seems like everyone always knows what everyone else is doing. We are connected via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and a variety of other social networks. Some people post enough facets of their lives where it wouldn't take much effort for someone with nefarious intentions to track where you are and what you do regularly.

When you travel away from home, there are typically things that you do to ensure that your property will be safe while you're away. You lock the doors, perhaps have a neighbor look in on your place, and leave some lights on. Is that enough? It may be, but if you seek more peace of mind, we have a few tips that will ensure that nothing untoward will happen while you're away on your seasonal vacation.

So as you escape the heat this summer in Las Vegas, here are some good rules to follow to ensure your property is safe. Spoiler alert: We are a security company, so one of these tips involves investing in surveillance cameras — it’s a great way to keep an eye on your home no matter where you go.

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How to Protect Your Business from Theft and Robbery


Commercial Video Surveillance Stops Crimes Before They Happen

In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have to worry about robbery and crime when opening a business. However, store and restaurant owners must be aware that theft is a very real threat. It’s important to have plans in place with staff just in case anything was to happen, but there are several actions you can take to prevent crime from occurring in the first place. 

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Looking to Install Security Cameras?


Consider These Questions Before You Start Work on Your Las Vegas Home

Security cameras used to be something you would only see in commercial buildings and secure environments. They were relatively expensive for home use and required special wiring and recording equipment for video footage. Today's internet-connected software and inexpensive camera technology have completely changed that landscape.

Today’s cameras are connected to the internet, can detect motion and sound, and even recognize objects like animals, vehicles, and people’s faces. Modern cameras can provide the peace of mind of knowing what's going on in and around your property at all times, and not just when something unexpected happens. You can keep an eye on pets, know when your children get home from school, and even check in on elderly relatives.

Options abound with security cameras, from do-it-yourself systems to high-end continuous video surveillance. As home security experts in the Las Vegas area for over 30 years, Eagle Sentry wants you to be able to make informed decisions to get the security camera installation that’s right for you.

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3 Reasons Why You Should Pick a Local Home Security Monitoring Company


Just Like Craft Beer, Locally Brewed Home Security is Better

Without question, you have many choices for home security. Where once you had to have a professional come out and wire your house to install sensors, alarms, and control pads, today you can go with a do-it-yourself (DIY), mostly wireless kit and have a modicum of protection and control over your property. There are also many national security companies with "starter" systems advertised for very low cost if you sign up for their monitoring plans.

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